I am now almost six months from reversal surgery. I am still fiddling around with maintenance chemo. I had an experience about three weeks ago that stopped me cold. I awoke one Sunday morning about 1:30 AM having to use the bathroom. I began an endless procession of about every fifteen minutes having to go. And I was gong quite a bit. It culminated about 10 hours later with a burst of watery diarrhea and when I sipped some water to prevent dehydration I got violently ill and through up twice.
I had just started the chemo on that Saturday. I stopped taking the chemo on Sunday when I was not sure if I was having a reaction from the chemo or I was experiencing a short lived bug. By Sunday afternoon I had that general achy feeling, week, tired and restless that I associate with a virus. Monday I felt fine and resumed the chemo. Terry also seemed to come down with her own version of the bug on Monday so we both thought it was viral.
However, my system did not seem to want to straighten out. I get going a lot, the stools were quite loose, I had accidents, I reverted to wearing pads and it was kind of frustrating. I had a pretty bad accident at work and had to change underclothing, but could not change my stained slacks so I was force to walk around backwards much of the afternoon.
On Friday, no let up in the activity had taken place so I called the Dr. because I was worried about the weekend. I was told to stop the chemo and not to begin it again until the end of the month. My system has straightened out some what, but still not back to the way it was before chemo. I started taking the chemo pills yesterday and we'll see what happens.