Monday, February 24, 2014

Colonoscopy Prep

Today, February 24, 2014 is a prep day for a colonoscopy scheduled for tomorrow. I have been unsuccessful the last three times in getting a good prep. It is really frustrating. I tried back in August 2013. I got sick trying to consume the large amount of laxative and as a result did not get a thorough prep. When the GI Guy did the procedure he had to shorten it to a flex sig because there was too much fecal material above the surgical joint for him to continue. So, I rescheduled for October. This time I tried Miralax. I had to consume two bottles over the period of a day and drink copious amounts of water. I got so sick I couldn't stand it. I called and cancelled the appointment, I experienced explosive diarrhea and couldn't eat for three days I felt so bad. No more Miralax for me, regardless of what MD Anderson says.

Finally I rescheduled for tomorrow. This time I talked to the Dr.'s nurse and she gave me a sample of a prep I'd read about where the volume of fluid you have to take is reduced and you do it once the day before, then again about 4 hours before the procedure. I altered the process. I actually began on Sunday, two days before. The reason is I have experienced explosive diarrhea from time to time and it is uncontrollable. So I took a bottle of Magnesium Citrate on Sunday about 3 PM. I took one half, waited an hour and then consumed the remaining amount. I drank some water, but not as much as I should have. Bulk seems to make me sick. About 7 PM it started to work and it was about 3 AM before I was able to get much sleep. I did experience explosive diarrhea but I was prepared, I had purchased disposable adult diapers, I had adult wipes at each commode and my mind set was to weather the storm. I never got sick although I did experience some fairly severe abdominal cramps. I even got a warning system worked out, when my intestines would rumble big time, I'd best get up and get to the commode because something was going to happen. As a result I did go a lot, the explosive diarrhea stopped around three in the morning and I feel fine today.

My plan today is to follow the directions on the prep I have. It requires I drink 16oz of the prep followed by two 16 oz containers of water over the intervening hour. I'll do that this afternoon so if I end up with explosive results again I have time to let it run its course. I don't think I'll have the explosive action as I went a lot yesterday, so I'm hoping this will just be a final clean out. Depending on what goes on this afternoon I'll probably skip the early morning prep. Once clean, I should stay clean. Besides, I don't want to be experiencing cramping while the Dr. is trying to run the test.

I'm feeling pretty good about this. I'm comfortable, I had a plan, I handled the mess and my wife did not have to help me.

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