Saturday, May 16, 2015

Begining of 7 weeks of home recovery

I am getting stronger and feeling better. However still after 9 weeks from surgery my abdomen is awfully stiff when bending over. I guess it has to work its self out but perhaps with the stoma just above and left of my belly button it'll always be a presence. Recovery, while going well still has some complications.

Last weekend I was standing in my briefs and happened to look down at my legs. The left leg seemed noticeably larger than my right. I had never noticed that before and could it be new or just gone unnoticed for years.

My feet still feel swollen because the skin feels taught but the nerve compression seems to have decreased and they are not as tender as they were the first few weeks of recovery.

I did make the Home Health care Nurse aware of my leg swelling. She became quite concerned because I had not shown that symptom the week before when she was here. However, I don't recall having my pants down so it would not have been noticeable to her.

My wound seems to be healed. We do not bandage it any longer, but we keep it clean and watch it should the undercut portion not be healed and break out again.

My blood pressure has risen to the 160 to 180 mark and I consulted with my GP over MyChart and we agreed for me to start Verapamil and Losartin about a week ago. My BP has come down but not as far as I'd like. However, it takes some time for the therapeutic level of meds to be reached. At least it is below 160.

After the HHCN saw the edema in my left leg we also added HCTZ, a water pill I took for some time. The concern of the medical folks is possible blood clot. However I have no pain, just a tautness of the skin. There appears to be about an inch plus difference between the two legs. There is a slight discoloration, but I have no idea why.

This morning I looked at the legs and I did notice the difference in appearance was less than before. So perhaps the water pill is working. I measured with a tape and had less than an inch difference in size. I feel encouraged. In the meantime I feel pretty good and my attitude is good.

I have gone back to taking a Xanex and 10mg of Melatonin before I go to bed. It just seems to help. I've been having an increase in urination attempts. In fact for some nights it was every 45 minutes which is frustrating and interrupts my sleep. Since taking the Xanex and Melatonin it appears the frequency has slowed down. I still keep a urinal by the bed because it is irritating to get up in the middle of the night to pee. Even if the bathroom is a few steps away.

So begins Week 7 of home recovery.

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