I am fighting a second recurrence of my colo-rectal cancer. The first diagnosis was in 2007, the first recurrence in 2011 and the second this past August 2014. The recurrence is a small mass located right next to the incision site of the first and second surgeries. It apparently has been found early enough that it is going any place. However, I am undergoing chemo for a period of time will we determine the best course of treatment. I had my third chemo session Monday, Oct 6, 2014. I take three drugs, Oxaliplatin, Avastin and Folfox. The Folfox I take over a 48 hour period via a portable pump I carry and it comes off around Wednesday noon.
The first couple of days I don't feel too bad. In fact until the Folfox kicks in that I really start to go down hill. My stomach feels slightly upset, I am tired, just kind of worn out and don't feel good. Foods I normally enjoy begin to taste odd, in some cases down right bad.
Time takes care of it, I rest, eat realizing that as my appetite diminishes I'll lose some weight. Frankly that isn't all bad, but my energy level is very low and I don't have much ambition to do much.
I do have a sensitivity to cold that shows up in my fingers and mouth area. I have to drink tap water and be careful getting chilled foods out of the freezer or refrigerator. I seem to encounter more frequent esophageal spasms, in some cases if I am taking some pills I may even throw up, but it is just what is in my esophagus. My gag reflex seems very sensitive, I gag easily while brushing my teeth. I have not encountered mouth sores, but do have a rash around my knees and shins.
About a week after treatment I start to come out of the funk. In fact, by the weekend before I go in for more chemo I feel darn good. Right now this is my life and I'll get through this. The outlook isn't too bad, I should have surgery in Little Rock at the University of Arkansas Medical School this fall. I will end up with a colostomy, permanent, but given the aggravation I've gone through the last seven years it will probably be a relief.
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