Sunday, September 18, 2011

Six weeks since surgery

This recovery is much easier than the first recovery period four and half years ago. I think that I had no idea of what to expect after surgery four years ago that I was some what traumatized by the whole affair. At six weeks, when the surgeon said I could return to full normal activities I felt terrible. Today, I feel quite good, I've been doing some chores around the house and returned to work over two weeks ago. I also think that I handled the pain medications very differently this time. I was careful to not take so many that I suffered side effects of anxiety and sleep deprivation. I knew my stomach would be upset for some time and just took that as one of the symptoms encountered during recovery.

I am looking forward to the removal of the stoma and reattachment of the small intestine. It is a great source of pain and irritation right now. We are changing the appliance every three days in and effort to get the skin to heal. Plus I lay on the couch with the stoma exposed to the air for an hour when we change the appliance in and effort to let the irritation dry up some. However, I am experiencing bleeding on the lower side of the stoma as the skin is so irritated by the acid environment that it has eroded that far.

Other than that I feel quite good and have decent energy for just six weeks.

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